
Meet Emi

Dec 8, 2023

Tell us a little bit about your background before joining The Key team.

I recently graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara where I studied Communication and Art History. I was a part of the collegiate soccer team for my first three years of school and then during my senior year I decided to study abroad and find working opportunities while finishing up my degree. Outside of work I love to read, cook, and I am also a huge movie fan.

Describe your work style in five words: Organized, Thoughtful, Personable, Creative, Efficient

What are your favorite kinds of projects to tackle?

I like to tackle projects that align with my personal values and interests. Working on projects that challenge me to learn new skills and deepen my knowledge is highly rewarding and an exciting journey I will almost always say yes to.

What’s your proudest moment at work (here or elsewhere)?

My proudest moment would be having the opportunity to travel and study abroad during college. I was able to work in an art gallery in Florence and meet lots of incredible people along the way.

What makes you the most excited to be at The Key?

I am really excited to be surrounded by passionate people who work together in a collaborative growth mindset environment.

Lightning Round:

Favorite office snack? Jalapeño chips

Badass female role model? Taylor Swift

Power song? King - Florence & the Machine

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Teleportation

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A lot of complexity comes from an unwillingness to commit to the things that insight and understanding surface.